Friday mood: Hello December!

Dec 2, 2017Journal, Life


Remember… It’s never too cold for the beach

Holiday season on

Happy December everyone! November went by super fast, I feel like our Pays Basque roadtrip and Chefchaouen escape just happened yesterday. We are currently preparing our next big journey, and this time we will be gone for at least a month. Meanwhile we are setting as much mechanisms as possible to make a living on the go and sustain this lifestyle. At the risk of repeating myself, I am so glad to catch a glimpse of winter and coziness. I was not sure if I was going to be home in this time of the year and even less being in a new apartment. Despite my love for the beach life, I crave and enjoy every season and time of the year, and I am not sure that I would be happy in an endless-summer-location all year long after all. Maybe we’ll live and learn!

All this to say that I am so happy to wear my cozy coats, warm boots and dive into the holiday mood.


In the spirit of the holiday mood I am rewatching The paradise, a British show based on a novel by Emile Zola. The plot is happening in a department store, very similar to Mr. Selfridge. British period dramas were a huge success since Downton Abbey and I gladly jumped on the wagon back then: The accents, the 19th century costumes and overly formal manners, the characters, and everything about the period series is appealing. Apart from the drama and the plot, I love the main character’s drive and ambition, it gets me somehow motivated to do more. On the top of that, it’s also interesting to watch  the first premises of marketing strategies, and customers behaviour analysis as well as how shockingly far we’ve come in gender discrimination issues, but there’s still so much we can do even today…


Marie Forleo‘s interview with Tim Ferriss, two top rated mentors having a conversation about deep things in life… such a treat!

I highly recommend you to compromise on a movie night to watch the video, because it’s more than 1h long. For the record, Tim Ferriss is the author of “the 4 hour-work week”, one of the books that inspired me to try the life I am living right now. His recommendations are sometimes provocative and borderline salesy, but I love his Q&A approach: Questions & Actions and he’s undeniably a digital business genius. I even successfully applied some of his principles during my corporate working days. This particular interview is about fear, and I was surprised to discover that Tim suffered from depression and considered/made a suicide attempt.


Influenced by the season, I am currently craving homemade pastries. But instead of indulging on a Nigella Lawson recipe, I bought 1kg of buckwheat flour to experiment on healthy alternatives. I used to make a buckwheat gluten &sugar free banana bread, but I grew tired of banana based pastries. I want to go for biscuits this time, or try to make some “galettes Bretonnes” . That would be just perfect with a spicy apple compote. I was actually inspired by the Happi•food No 6 I bought in Biarritz, which has a lot of buckwheat based gluten free recipes. Exceptionally this time, I’m going to be a good girl and really follow some of the recipes.

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Last weekend on the park I collected some beautiful wood sticks, and without even starting to look for DIY projects, I stumbled upon this amazingly easy DIY from The Bohemian Collective. Isn’t it a sign? To be honest, I am far from being a DIY pro, not very good with crafts and not very patient! But I feel so proud of my self when I finish a DIY project, that I am willing to give it a try again. Also, there is the magical calming effect of repetitive movements and focused attention that I find very similar to meditation. So let’s give this one try!

Project and picture by The Bohemian Collective

Posts of the season

Cozy things up on a rainy weekend
Five reasons to go to the beach in the winter
Last Friday mood post
Spicy lentils with vegetables
Berlin coffee hopping

Upcoming post

Metropol Parasol, my best sightseeing experience!

xo xo Dalal
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