Why I removed over 2000 Instagram followers? And maybe you should too…

Dec 15, 2019Life

We often talk about how the people that we follow affect us, but not the people that follow us. Removing followers may seem counter-productive for an Instagramer, but I see it as one step behind two steps ahead strategy…

Followers & following

We often talk about how the people that we follow affect us, but not the people that follow us. Removing followers may seem counter-productive for an Instagramer, but I see it as one step behind two steps ahead strategy…

I did and still do it manually

It’s a tedious task, especially when you have a big following. But I didn’t find any app that detects ghost followers and fake accounts effectively. It takes time, I’m not doing it in one shot but it’s also fun to have a closer look at my audience.

Don’t do it if….

– My arguments are not convincing enough. Da!

– You’re a content creator and depend on brand deals for a living. Because brands still look at the followers number. But they are slowly moving to more meaningful metrics.

– You have a different long-term strategy. And to each their own respectfully.

Who I removed?

Ghost followers (inactive, not engaged), spam and seemingly fake accounts. Those accounts will never engage with my content and are probably not here for the right reasons.

Quality over quantity

The whole point of my Instagram was never to collect followers.

Always remember your WHY?

I started my blog and social media pages to find a community of like-minded people when I lived in an environment where I that I don’t belong…

Inactive followers trigger the algorithm

Instagram is already punishing me since my social media detox and I suspect inactive followers to make it worse. I had a better engagement when I had half the audience that I have today and I’m perfectly comfortable to go back that spot.

I want to connect more deeply with my audience

It will be easier to detect and connect with regular viewers. I want to worry less about numbers and more about who is viewing my content and eventually build a deeper relationship with you.

I’m sorry if I removed you by mistake!

Like I said I did it and continue to do it manually, so I may make a mistake or two. I only remove and not block so you can get back whenever you want with my most sincere apologies!

Do you think it’s crazy? Or does it make sense to you? Leave a comment below and let’s have a chat!

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xo xo Dalal
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