Chia seed coconut pudding

Apr 1, 2017Food & drinks, Life

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how I make chia seed pudding, because of the many photos I share on Instagram and Instagram stories  (hey, have we met on Instagram yet? If not, let’s–you can find me here). I eat a lot of chia seed pudding. It’s probably my favourite breakfast during the week.

You will not believe how easy and tasty this pudding is. It’s so easy that I never thought about posting the recipe.

What are chia seeds?

Before sharing the recipe, for those who doesn’t know why everyone should add chia seeds into their lives, let me tell you how much of a superfood it is.

Just like Spirulina, this seed is full of antioxydants and anti-ageing agents. Chia seeds are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, even more so than flax seeds, protein, iron, potassium and magnesium. So… go get it, what are you waiting for?

How to add chia seeds to your diet?

# As a breakfast or desert pudding, the seeds have a gelifiying effect

# Directly added to your water or tea

# Mix with your smoothies

# Add them to your oatmeal

# Sprinkle them over a yogurt or a salad


Where to find chia seeds?

Rabat- Morocco: La vie Claire & Nait Hamou Fruits et Légumes (Hay Riad-Rabat)

Abroad/ online: All health food stores or simply on Amazon

Chia seeds coconut pudding recipe

(vegan, paleo & gluten free)

My favourite chia seed recipe is definitely this one, and for those knowing me I am coco for coconuts. I love everything coconut, that’s why I add shredded coconut to boost the flavour. If you are one of those peculiar creatures that doesn’t like coconut, replace with another vegetal milk.

I usually to make a big batch and store it in a jar. In the morning I just have to transfer it into a mason jar and top it with fruits to have a delicious and nutritious breakfast to-go.


3 tbs of chia seed

1 can of full fat unsweetened coconut milk*

2 tbs of raw honey*

3 tbs of shredded coconut

Fruits & nuts fot toppings

*read the ingredients, there should be nothing more than coconut and water
*or any natural healthy sweetener of your choice: maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar, agave nectar,…

The rule is 3/4 parts of liquid for 1/4 part of chia seed

Adjust the liquid to have the consistency of your liking, add some more liquid if you don’t like your pudding very thick. Same for the sweetener, taste and adjust to your taste.


In a glass bowl or large jar, add all of the ingredients. Mix well, place in the fridge then leave to soak overnight or for at least 2 hours.

When serving, just top with whatever fresh fruits or nuts you have available. My favourite combo is banana and mango for an explosion of exotic flavours.

xo xo Dalal


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